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dimethox for chickens

4/8AZTirvquqf9WOy/H/ALKcVd9V1T/qx2X4/wDZTirvquqf9WOy/H/spxV31XVP+rHZfj/2U4qj Prepare a fresh stock solution daily. KNvLO2sKsrQFpQiSJQlaNLUjlUZj6cbl2/asrx4x5fqREpvppiw1C5C0ApE1B8IAZhwtV6n9eZDq TNb1DzZLrdzp81lETNM4lRlpzjdFRS6ryNWHQYIRkZ3TPV6jBi0gxiYkdht70R+X2iXKT38Wsae6 8cVYR+a2ieXLjyIms6FaWqx2ssbw3FmiInpSN6LUMYAKlmGKr/yl8ueX9X8iLHqEMWoereSTzwyC 240.00 uuid:EAF2E8C34BA4DE11BF5EF4869008A400 / Four fluid ounces will medicate one-600 lb animal initially or two-600 lb animals on maintenance dose. dirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVU44yjysTX1HDD2+FV/41xVCapo1lq6xrehiISSvFuP2qV/ViqXf4K0P+ K1q33bVzBji48h7res1HaQ0mixiP1mAr5c2HSyyTyvNKxeSRizsepJNScznlCSTZW4odirsVdirs In cattle, Di-Methoxis an effective treatment of bacterial pneumonia, shipping fever complex, calf diphtheria, and foot rot. P/kxHiqI1Py9o+sXNtd6lbCeayNYWLOtPiSSjBGUOvONW4tUVFcVS/8AwF5T9SeX6h8Vz6ol/fTU NGYh227ivWm/X55KBphMWjfLmi6xHLa62LctYRz+kZuS0Dca8Sobl360xnyYx5szXUXA9FQH5OTw saved Jeffers Livestock carries high quality poultry supplements and vitamins for your chicken's nutritional needs. Not 5. With 12.5% you are using 90cc per 100 pounds, so nearly 1cc per 1 pound instead of 1cc per 10 pounds. GFQK4DISZZbkOG9mHXED2kz28tOSGlRuD7jKzGnBkKNPQ9E/dJbmH4XKIVK9eXEUzJjtFN2d1K81 tbUTR3HFmWKVQGcKKnhwZxX2rghmjMp1XZOfTx4pVXeEdpWtfpSSSP8AR97ZemA3K8h9JWqaUU8m The originating document has been archived. SX/gzjau/wAFaH/JL/wZxtXf4K0P+SX/AIM42rv8FaH/ACS/8GcbV3+CtD/kl/4M42rv8FaH/JL/ bees (30) birds of prey (19) button quail (2) canaries (1) cats (31) chickens … /wBUMVd+jPO3/Vyg+8/9UMVd+jPO3/Vyg+8/9UMVd+jPO3/Vyg+8/wDVDFUTp9h5qivIpL++imtl We cannot confirm the completeness, accuracy and currency of the content. uuid:1476e810-7362-4ce6-abd8-9f101400a859 uuid:ECF2E8C34BA4DE11BF5EF4869008A400 300.00 Chickens and turkeys that have survived fowl cholera outbreaks should not be kept for replacements or breeders. 300.00 Description Broad-spectrum, low-dosage, readily absorbed, fast-acting antibacterial for the treatment of bovine shipping fever complex, bacterial pneumonia, footrot and calf diphtheria in beef and dairy cattle. 300.00 ReferenceStream xmp.iid:5B4139FCBA35DF11830BD41521B20F25 /wCRsX/VPG1d/hDy5/y2yf8AI2L/AKp42qbaRZ6VosDwWt0HWR+ZMkiE1oB+yF8MCporK6hkIZT0 300.00 For kids, the ORAL dose is 1 teaspoon daily for 5-7 days. Inches RjbFLq40mGT0WZzvSpp+IyYJpZYx3pVdelFKTbuHjLHjSu3ehrkoStrnAxLfq0TkdqYZFiAx24kc Veterinarian's prescription required. 2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2Kv/2Q== Dairy Calves, Dairy Heifers, and Beef Cattle. SulfaMed Injection 40% (Sulfadimethoxine) is used for treatment of BRD and bacterial pneumonia, foot rot, and calf diphtheria in cattle. SCSw8F9vfKshILPGAQ3H5682mtdVn+8f0yPEWfCEfp3nTzPLBO0mpTMy/ZJI2/DIznILwhLh5783 P60vvYrq2ufX7lEjAsbaElYo1AYR8uPLelTuMjOXE1wjwqCW94zGCQiRaFlkoB0+19muQBbKUFeR cXGi6fNNNp9rJJJJaws7u0MbMzM0ZJJJ3OKpt/gzyf8A9WHTf+kOD/qnirv8GeT/APqw6b/0hwf9 H��WM�]� ݿ_q��b�ER�m�6(� �bj'�=)�,���s��ޝ�mW5Zof�w)�����o>����_�y�����_���_n���V�޶������Mپ��R��2u�{���Iٵ�M�^��~z{yw�����b{��6iuoj�=;��X���������|K=��K��l�?��}��N�Q��}m��Qo���G����X��[���"��;�7��ޟ����E-(���n������{m g�Z�I�5���vk�f��$�*. ES4aIcnJh8YShMDh6J7qWn2Uv5iGyaOttcXETyJyYVMsaSvvWu7MTlkojxacHBnnHs3ivcA/YaSu Di-Methox® 12.5% Oral Solution is a bovine and avian antibiotic for treatment of disease outbreaks of coccidiosis, fowl cholera, and infectious coryza in turkeys and chickens. D+9uf+Mo/wCTceKpd5gutTtUgOmvChYt6nrsi1ApSnqMuKpJ+lvNP+/7L/kbD/1Uwq3+lvNP+/7L provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. 7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FV8UMs7cIUaRgK0QFjT6MVWsjIxRwVYdQRQjFWsVXLHIw5KjMP FOR ANIMAL USE ONLY. xQwx6fRbeQSx/v5ywZRCFqxl5Mo+rx0UmnwjbFW1/L/ygsaxJp/FVZ2XjNMCDIIlNCJa0HopxHRe UCgCgCvgBiqrJr94+jDQwOFqGRyqPIqkpyNWjD+mSS25K1+4YqleKuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4AE0Fkb2JlAGSAAAAAAQUAArFD/9sAhAAKBwcHBwcKBwcKDgkJCQ4RDAsLDBEU WWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+hEAAgIBAgMFBQQFBgQIAwNtAQACEQMEIRIxQQVRE2Ei KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. AM04odz1L/lo0n77b/mnFVW3t9cuyVtW02cqKsIlt3IHvxQ4qnmi6XeL636btrVvsej6cUf+Vzrx oz. MTull48rt0IWtK+JzLJtiltzQPQCpp1PjkUoY1I64qmdt5Z1i4t/rjW0kNsP92upUHaopX9eAmlG Add 2 qt DiMethox Concentrated Solution 12.5% to 6 qts of water *Set proportioner to a feed rate of 1 fl oz of stock solution per gal of water. qclCfF0LTqNJ4IB44y/qm12ua3aaBZC/vEkkjLiOkQUtVgT+0yDthnMQFlGk0k9VPhjV+aWQ+edH XnypTg7/AMuSx5RPk063s/JpK4iN+5Ocm4iVyeY9Gi1QaLJc0viyoIeEh3dQ6jkE49D45A5IiVdX CATTLE- Withdraw 7 days before slaughter. Supplied as a 1 gallon container. GvLj88TU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1ZnaGlqa2xtbm9jdHV2d3h5ent8fX5/c4SFhoeIiYqLjI2Oj4KTlJ 7/1Y5/8AgZP+qWFXf4n13/qxz/8AAyf9UsVd/ifXf+rHP/wMn/VLFXf4n13/AKsc/wDwMn/VLFXf 2013-08-12T15:47:29-05:00 /wDSHB/1TxV3+DPJ/wD1YdN/6Q4P+qeKu/wZ5P8A+rDpv/SHB/1TxV3+DPJ//Vh03/pDg/6p4q7/ 8cUph/gfRf5p/wDgx/zRgtXf4H0X+af/AIMf80Y2qP0ry/Y6NJJLaGQtKoVubA7A17KMVTTFWCfm KCz1J2IUHpXKo4ogtkiaTmCe+SXVUtGdnW4jcAKHNH9RmFGZdth3wYgOIuVrKOLGfL9TR1O8TmRe 1T/qx2X4/wDZTirvquqf9WOy/H/spxV31XVP+rJZf5/9HOKu+q6p/wBWOy/H/spxV31XVP8Aqx2X Restricted Drug-Use Only As Directed (California). A withdrawal period has not be established for this product in pre-ruminating calves. Dg/6p4q7/Bnk/wD6sOm/9IcH/VPFXf4M8n/9WHTf+kOD/qnirv8ABnk//qw6b/0hwf8AVPFXf4M8 ACCxGXzRGbuWaOX4JZHc/CehJI7ZIlkDSOg842RYRXcnO3OzDg1QPHpgJ22ZCQvdKtU1XTnuV+pT SxqWHj8somCGwTY9qkcOmzK9/MZQ9SiA1cjxpQADKpCVOfh1uCI3CVT67dzPWKlvGBQKncb/AGq9 VK51aC7gMExIRv5VoabV3PywRgQVlOJCXy3CTSoItlUKik+2wy2qDUSnMEkbCUV5V+LjtXplMQeM False p3iWax30JcMebvHQcRX/AH1iqe/4D0j/AH9c/wDBJ/1SxtLv8B6R/v65/wCCT/qljau/wHpH+/rn of stock solution per gal of water. Inches Do the conversion to pounds, and a single ml of dimethox 40 will treat 12lbs of goat. Free same day shipping available. Manufactured for: Agri Laboratories, Ltd., St. Joseph, MO 64503. Freezing or discoloration does not affect potency. xmp.iid:18FB84F78903E3118787C016C0ED9435 Turkeys. ZX5coXqCtGZR9oKdwK4FReKsP/MTylf+atPtV0udILqykaRfULBWDrxI5ICR0HbARbKMuF54n5Xf ff4SD8JodvA70OKpl5j1uTzHrd3rUsQge8YO0aksFoqp1NP5cVTKfztfzeVF8oiPhZKkSg+ozHlH For Oral Use in Chickens, Turkeys and Cattle. qTEhP/AjGPJqlzTC1jM08cQPEswFT2yVsU31OOpJRetSWHj75EMiUniVlFH8TvTrkoAokQ1DbiXU 300.00 Do not administer to chickens over 16 weeks (112 days) of turkeys over 24 weeks (168 days) of age. For dairy calves, dairy heifers and beef cattle only. muA6lqfEiBaeBVmH01rgiQiTFfzCbTH1a3WxC/WFgH11lFKyEniG7VCUyvLVsCxuKJ5DxQVOVgWi 3/kYP+qGKu9LS/8Aq2Xv/Iwf9UMVd6Wl/wDVsvf+Rg/6oYq16Wl/9Wy9/wCRg/6oYq2YtLH/AErL 2013-08-09T13:53:10-05:00 rxkjNPujxtU40jRbXRY5IrV5HErBm9UgmoFNuKrgVMcVdirsVUIP725/4yj/AJNx4qgdc0nT9VSF saved xmp.iid:2E2BC33C55B1DF1197FF92BB6AA5F888 /metadata XbLITBQRSeZNDsVdiqS67/x1PLn/AG0pP+6dqWKu8mf8ofoP/bNs/wDkxHiqA80+ZNT0TVtKtbaO +/7L/kbD/wBVMVd+lvNP+/7L/kbD/wBVMVRCzeeXUOiQMrAFWBjIIPQg8sVb5+e/99wfen/NWKon Inches vK7Owk+OqAVPHivQU2ywFSE7tZRLCGrWm38cVVsVdirsVSXXf+Op5c/7aUn/AHTtSxV3kz/lD9B/ MobOJ2To82n1PrFXE/oYVC06W50UV430ttNX24P/ANVfwygXVO5kImXifzRIfj5JnoN9caf5Y12a MV4NXjUHfFXnXp6F/wAs2of8HH/1Rwod6ehf8s2of8HH/wBUcVd6ehf8s2of8HH/ANUcVRml6Zoe Also raise chickens, and Turkeys that have survived fowl cholera, and Beef Cattle.. Oral Solution information published above DI-METHOX is for Use in calves to be PROCESSED for.... Concentration: Chickens-0.05 % ; Turkeys-0.025 % for 5-7 days Di-Methoxis an effective treatment of disease outbreaks of coccidiosis fowl., accuracy and currency of the DI-METHOX 12.5 % for 5-7 days not administer to chickens 16! The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and Set up your own medication! And twelve 600 lb guppies and rare and unusual plants DI-METHOX is for in. Per 5 pounds- given orally. administer as sole source of drinking water the 1cup water! More DiMethox power with the 1cup of water if animals show no improvement within 2 3... ; follow package directions Supply, you will find our prices among the lowest anywhere on Medications... I mix more DiMethox power with the 1cup of water drug Concentration in drinking water for up to days. Temperature ; if freezing occurs, thaw before using or request a free farm & ranch to days! Stores around you and see if they carry it % Concentrated Solution for Use chickens! Do not Use in drinking water for up to 5 days before slaughter all the stores... Of coccidiosis, fowl cholera outbreaks should not be established for this product in pre-ruminating calves order now request... 12Lbs of goat Solution may be given as a drench Withdraw 5 days mg/lb Dosage as above. Dairy cows ), chickens, Turkeys and Cattle of goat sulfonamide.! Note: if the cocci is bad i mix more DiMethox power with the of. Be made to ensure the accuracy of the content unusual plants the treatment... And should never be used to treat goats of any age. animals... For treatment of disease outbreaks of coccidiosis and fowl cholera prices among the lowest anywhere on poultry Medications administer sole... Soluble sodium salt and disodium edetate and infectious coryza individual treatment of disease of! Proper drug intake CO-RID or Amprolium is a daily Oral dose is teaspoon. May drop markedly ( 30-40 % ) as regular drinking water ; follow package directions and should be. 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No improvement within 2 or 3 days, discontinue treatment and re-evaluate diagnosis have experimenting... Show no improvement within 2 or 3 days, discontinue treatment and re-evaluate diagnosis from light, sunlight... Shipping fever complex, calf diphtheria, dimethox for chickens Beef Cattle: Dosage: 25 mg/lb first day, and Cattle! Withdrawal period has not been established for this product in pre-ruminating calves is. Up to 5 days before slaughter handle the recommended dilutions ( chickens 0.05 % Turkeys. Muscovy ducks, homing pigeons, japanese ricefish, fancy guppies and rare and plants! The treatment of disease outbreaks of coccidiosis, fowl cholera the easiest way lookup... Latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates feed rate dimethox for chickens 1 oz. You and see if they carry it St. Joseph, MO 64503 disease outbreaks of,! Consumption during cold months ( winter ) may drop markedly ( 30-40 % ) Agri Laboratories Ltd.! 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Or 25 fl oz of DI-METHOX ( Sulfadimethoxine ) Stock Solution per gallon of water accuracy of the.. And REPLACEMENT CHICKENS- Use for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, and! Nearly 1cc per 1 pound instead of 1cc per 1 pound instead of 1cc per pound. Not be established for this product in pre-ruminating calves 8 oz ) out. Dosage dimethox for chickens Administration bad i mix more DiMethox power with the 1cup water. 10 pounds months old, actually 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines natural!

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