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energetic sentence easy

But he was also bold and energetic, not only in his work but also in support and defence of his friends. The chief success of the government lay in the field of foreign politics, where it prudently avoided entanglement in the ambitious schemes of Hellenistic monarchs, but gained great prestige by energetic interference against aggressors who threatened the existing balance of power or the security of the seas. Of this body the grand-duke Constantine was an energetic member. "We French are merciful after victory, but we do not pardon traitors," he added, with a look of gloomy dignity and a fine energetic gesture. That admiration for an empire of more than two hundred millions of men, where not one had the right to call himself free; that effeminate philosophy which has more praise for luxury and pleasures than for all the virtues; that style always elegant and never energetic, reveal at the most the elector of Hanover's slave.". 2, The elderly man is quite energetic. Grooming, regular check ups, plenty of fresh water, careful care, and a high quality food all contribute to a long, healthy, and energetic life for your cat. 171. On the outbreak of the war in 1675 he was the most loyal and energetic supporter of the young Charles XI., and finally his indispensable counsellor. Halleck, Lincoln and Stanton, the intractable, if energetic, war secretary, now stood aside, and the efforts of the whole vast army were to be directed and co-ordinated by one supreme military authority. All the while, cultivate your deeper connection to the practice and your own spiritual/ energetic learning. The duke, however, was naturally indolent, and it was with difficulty that his ambitious and energetic Castilian wife, D. Her elder son, Hyrcanus II., a pliable weakling, was appointed high priest; her younger son, the energetic Aristobulus, who chafed at his exclusion from office, seized some twenty strongholds and with an army bore down upon Jerusalem. Performing it is as carefree and energetic as it seems, and you'll often find it danced in large groups. They're also pretty enthusiastic and perhaps sufficiently energetic to want to tell all on the site for their Awards entry. Adalbert was a man of proud and haughty bearing, with large ideas and a strong energetic character. This double failure, combined with various energetic measures of the government, which were indirectly aimed at him (e.g. The children also engage in energetic and educational field trips and other activities.. It would have needed an energetic hand to hold these passions in check; and Charles VI. (the Englishman, Nicholas Breakspear), placed Rome under an interdict, the senate, already rudely shaken, submitted, and Arnold was forced to fly into Campania (1155). Her fantastic looks and energetic performances made her one of the most in-demand entertainers on these tours, and clips were shown regularly on television. Learn the definition of the word "energetic" and how to use energetic in a sentence. From the beginning, however, he treated the Italians, as indeed was only natural, less as rebellious subjects than as conquered aliens; and it must be admitted that in regard to them the only effective portion of his procedure was, not his energetic measures of repression nor his brilliant victories, but, after the battle of Legnano, his quiet and cheerful acceptance of the inevitable, and the consequent complete change in his policy, by which if he did not obtain the great object of his ambition, he at least did much to render innoxious for the Empire his previous mistakes. There's a good chance that the children in your classroom will be energetic on the last day of school. He was energetic in the discharge of his duties, but aroused much animosity among the colonists by his zeal in looking after the royal quit-rents, and by exacting heavy fees for the issue of land-patents. Mostalis succession was not carried through without an attempt on the part of Nizr to obtain his rights, the title which Th he chose being al-Mo~-tafa lidin allah; for a time he Crusades, maintained himself in Alexandria, but the energetic measures of his brother soon brought the civil war to an end. He isn't as energetic as he once was. During the siege of Paris he escaped from the city with Gambetta, to act as his energetic lieutenant in the provinces. Yet, by the maintenance of his peace policy, which had the full approval of the Emperor Francis Joseph, he came into serious conflict with the party led by the chief of the general staff, Conrad von Hdtzendorf, which championed a policy not afraid of energetic, warlike methods. Carlo (1364-1429) was energetic, valiant and a friend of the popes, who named him vicar of the church in Romagna. Meanwhile dramatic literature found many champions, of whom the most energetic was Edward Szigligeti, proprie Joseph Szathmary, who enriched the Hungarian stage with more than a hundred pieces. In time he became a teacher at Furah Bay, and afterwards an energetic missionary on the Niger. If you are just getting started with this energetic form of dance, check out this breathtaking swing dance performance for immediate inspiration. (399420), was an energetic and intelligent sovereign, who held the magnates within bounds and severely chastised their attempts at encroachment. Cantaloupe tastes great and packs a nutritional punch that can help to make you healthier and more energetic with minimal caloric impact. In some cases, by taking away the strong, self-reliant and energetic, it may result in the deterioration of the home population. So, too, the vague and sentimental socialism which pervades Munera Pulveris, Time and Tide and Fors is now very much in the air, and represents the aspirations of many energetic reformers. energetic dancing of Queenie had to be seen to be believed. Ignorant of the assurance conveyed to France by Lord Granville that the Gladstone cabinet would respect the engagements of the Beaconsfield-Salisbury administration, Cairoli, in deference to Italian public opinion, endeavoured to neutralize the activity of the French consul Roustan by the appointment of an equally energetic Italian consul, Macci. He was entrusted with ruling powers in 1894, and in all respects continued the reforming policy of the council, while paying personal attention to every department, being a keen soldier, an energetic administrator, and fully alive to the responsibilities attaching to his position. Energetic definition is - operating with or marked by vigor or effect. In the beginning of his reign the hand of the young monarch, who was nothing if not energetic, made itself felt in every direction. This was a return to the old Capet policy; but it was also menacing to many interests, and sure to arouse energetic resistance. He was a vigorous and energetic ruler and greatly increased the power of Argos. He proved an energetic and enterprising governor; indeed, his enterprise on more than one occasion brought him into conflict with Gordon, who eventually decided to remove Emin to Suakin. On the advice of Acacius, the energetic patriarch of Constantinople, Zeno issued the Henotikon edict (482), in which Nestorius and Eutyches were condemned, the twelve chapters of Cyril accepted, and the Chalcedon Definition ignored. She was a really energetic dog and she used to chase squirrels for ages, and she loved her walks. If your little boy is energetic and it's difficult to get him to settle down to go to sleep, then the right bedding is important. Another word for energetic. Energetic dehydration gives the olefine hydrocarbons, but under certain conditions ethers (see Ether) are obtained. . For the more energetic why not think of becoming a conservation volunteer? In these ways Maximilian proved himself a capable and energetic ruler, although his plans for making Austria into a kingdom, or an electorate, were abortive. Verbs for energetic include energise, energises, energising, energize, energized, energizes and energizing. On the cover of the April 6, 2009 issue of People, Ms. Bertinelli debuted a brand new, highly energetic and beautiful new side of herself. America fell in love with her fun, intense and energetic personality. Baldassare Cossa, now as humble and resigned as he had before been energetic and tenacious, on his transference to the castle of Rudolfzell admitted the wrong which he had done by his flight, refused to bring forward anything in his defence, acquiesced entirely in the judgment of the council which he declared to be infallible, and finally, as an extreme precaution, ratified motu proprio the sentence of deposition, declaring that he freely and willingly renounced any rights which he might still have in the papacy. Time spent at Jumby Bay can be as energetic or as languid as you wish. Lead 43 Inspiring Motivational Quotes About Teamwork and Collaboration Sometimes all inspiration you need to build a better team can be found in a few simple words of wisdom. peek inside and you'll discover a lively, energetic and thoroughly ambitious group. Energetic example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. Although excluded by a majority of the House from the list of the managers of that impeachment, Francis was none the less its most energetic promoter, supplying his friends Burke and Sheridan with all the materials for their eloquent orations and burning invectives. By his energetic action, however, in support of the missionaries Moffat and Livingstone, Sir George kept open for the British the road through Bechuanaland to the far interior. Similar words: counter, countermand, counterpart, encourage, county, country, count on, count out. It was at the beginning of this period too, between 1216 and 1224, that Pomerania, under an energetic native dynasty, freed herself from the Polish suzerainty. Princess Cruises is a giant in the travel industry and employs thousands of energetic individuals on board its ships and in its many regional offices. It is an energetic oxidizing agent. The task was difficult enough, as the Byzantine empire, then under the reign of the energetic Manuel Comnenus, regained much of its lost power and influence. During the Civil War he was one of the closest and most constant advisers of President Lincoln, and one of the most efficient, most energetic and most patriotic of the "war governors" of the North. slothful man may change himself into an active, energetic individual simply by polarizing along the lines of the desired quality. Among these the chief were the new elector of Saxony, John (who, unlike his brother, Frederick the Wise, had openly espoused the new doctrines), and the energetic Philip, landgrave of Hesse. The forest was awash in energetic activity. The boisterous movements of the energetic young boys startled the baby. In these cities the rival parties were composed of the most energetic fighting men, who were brought into the most intimate contact with one another, and who kept up their quarrels from the home land. His son and successor, Theodore (Feodor), was a weak man of saintly character, very ill fitted to consolidate his father's work and maintain order among the ambitious, turbulent nobles; but he had the good fortune to have an energetic brother-in-law, with no pretensions to sanctity, called Boris Godunov, who was able, with the tsar's moral support, to keep his fellow-boyars in order. Whenever Hurley feels the least bit energetic, she is taking Hindu lessons, the mother tongue of Nayar. So profitable was sheep-farming seen to be that energetic settlers began to burn off the bracken and cut and burn the forest in the North Island and sow English grasses on the cleared land. At the Olmutz review he had seemed more majestic; here he seemed brighter and more energetic. By the energetic efforts of Barsauma, bishop of that city, practically the whole church of Persia was won over to the Nestorian creed. Lewes), it is certain that historians of philosophy, and editors of Plato, especially the " acumen plumbeum Stallbaumii," had given ample occasion for the energetic protest contained in the famous sixty-seventh chapter of Grote's History of Greece. . energetically example sentences. By choosing great workout music, you can feel more energetic and optimistic about your exercise routines, which in turn can help you develop better exercise habits for a healthy lifestyle. Pitbulls are energetic and tenacious dogs. For energetic yogis, Flow Yoga Redmond is a great yoga studio to consider as your second home. She still seemed energetic and optimistic. But his energetic leadership was soon ended by a tragedy. The peppy little cheerleader always looks energetic on the field. Yes, you may have to sound like an infomercial at times, but if you aren't energetic about your own reality show idea, how can you expect the buyers to get energetic? In 1900 he contested West Ham unsuccessfully in the Labour interest, but in 1906 was elected to Parliament and came to the front as an active and energetic member of his party. Spartacus was a capable and energetic leader; he did his best to check the excesses of the lawless bands which he commanded, and treated his prisoners with humanity. He had distinguished himself in various military enterprises and diplomatic negotiations in the course of an active career, and although over seventy years old and of very weak sight (the story that he had been made blind by the emperor Manuel Comnenus while he was at Constantinople is a legend), he proved a most energetic and capable ruler. The man in the pulpit talks energetically and sensibly. We have so many rules for making sentences and almost as many exceptions to those rules. Eberhard was one of the most energetic rulers that Wurttemberg ever had, and in 1495 his county was raised to the rank of duchy. In Paris, in 1779, the Cour des Aides demanded their suppression, and in March 1788 the parlement of Paris made some exceedingly energetic remonstrances, which are important for the light they throw upon old French public law. He was pious, charitable, of unimpeachable morality, quick-tempered but placable, no great scholar, and only energetic as a hunter. The wonderful progress of Budapest is undoubtedly due to the revival of the Hungarian national spirit in the first half of the 19th century, and to the energetic and systematic efforts of the government and people of Hungary since the restoration of the constitution. In fact, many were inclined to regard a journey to Jerusalem as the bounden duty of every monk - an exaggerated view which led to energetic protests, especially from Gregory of Nyssa, who composed a monograph on the pilgrimages (De its qui adeunt Hierosol.). Energetically in a sentence. In the reign of Michael's successor, Alexius (1645-76), the country recovered its strength so rapidly that the tsar was tempted to revive the energetic aggressive policy and put forward claims to Livonia, Lithuania and Little Russia, but he was obliged to moderate his pretensions. Since homeopathy and acupuncture work on deep, energetic levels to rebalance the body, these two forms of therapy may be helpful in treating oligomenorrhea. X rays are a form of radiation similar to light rays, except that they are more energetic than light rays and are invisible to the human eye. In Rome Leo the Great was the first who took energetic measures, along with the state authorities, against the system. Fans love the opportunity to see that the Rockettes are more than chorus line kicks in this energetic tap number. 6.Why does the author have Emily asks so many questions about energy? A fragrance described as energetic and sexy, Live includes citrus fruit scents, florals, vanilla, and woodsy musk. Being an energetic individual, Mr. Be energetic about the job and interview. To colleagues and subordinates alike, he was considerate and tolerant; he was unassuming, trustworthy in the smallest detail, accurate and comprehensive in thought, energetic and conscientious in action. The energy of patience, the most godlike of all, is not easy. Distinctively Besson embraces a certain fetishism of style, developing a film language that is essentially colored, highly stylized, energetic and mysterious. When he returned to France in 1841 he worked on the staff of La Reforme, and carried on an energetic republican propaganda. This energetic prince, who disregarded the limits placed to his authority by the rudimentary constitution, by paying a large sum of money, induced the emperor Rudolph II. The Nilotic Nubians are on the whole a strong muscular people, essentially agricultural, more warlike and energetic than the Egyptians. An ambitious, energetic sister of Ivan, well known in Russian history as Sophia Alexeyevna,instigated the stryeltsi(strelitz), as the troops Sophia of the unreformed standing army were called, to upset Alexey- the arrangement. By this time the emperor Justinian was taking energetic measures to check the Goths. of the heathen, a movement which had already had an energetic representative in the prophet himself. Harry Turnball was a young and energetic truck driver who delivered the Parkside Sentinel. Chemical reagents are sometimes added - lime or sulphuric acid, to neutralize an excess of acid or alkali; copper sulphate, to form cuprous chloride with sodium chloride; and iron and zinc, to make the galvanic action more energetic and reduce the consumption of iron. Energetic and successful though the scattered trading settlements had been in establishing German trade connexions and in securing valuable trade privileges, the middle of the 14th century found them powerless to meet difficulties arising from internal dissension and still more from the political rivalries and trade jealousies of nascent nationalities. The hotel Das Tyrol is beautifully positioned in time and location, between Vienna's glorious past and its energetic present. Find more ways to say energetic, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. His rule was most energetic; but while he favoured the barbarians in the imperial service, and appointed them to high office, Valentinian, openly jealous of his minister, sought to surround himself with Romans. You feel more energetic session in the Virginia wilderness, you have in and! And vibrant but ultimately fruitless display energetic dance duo, ' Nice as Twice ' spurred. 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