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the first step in the personal selling process is

What type of approach would be suitable depends upon the salesman’s preferences, the product being sold, the firm’s resources, and the characteristics of the prospect. The ‘cold courses’ is an approach in which the salesman calls or potential customers without their prior consent. vi. The heart of the selling process is the meeting that takes place between the prospect and the salesperson. A sales process is a set of repeatable steps that your sales team takes to convert prospects into customers. The next step to prospecting and qualifying is pre-approach. Want to read all 13 pages? The follow up is the last stage in the personal sales process. Effective prospecting requires a … The prospects reactions to such questions usually indicate how close the prospect indirectly respond that they will buy the product without having to state those sometimes difficult words “I’ll like it”. Before publishing your Articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Building a sales process is absolutely necessary to your company’s success, and is perhaps the most important thing you can do as a sales … Some of the effective ways of closing the sale are – (i) to take it for granted, (ii) offer some inducements, (iii) telling business stories how others have benefitted by the purchase of the products, (iv) fear of loss, (v) stressing minor but interesting details, and (vi) marketing a straight request for an order. Personal Selling Process: Steps and Stages, Personal Selling Process – Identifying the Prospective Buyer, Pre-Approach, Approach, Presentation, Demonstration, Overcoming Objection, Closing and a Few Others, Personal Selling Process – Prospecting, Evaluating, Approaching the Consumer, Preparing for the Sale, Making the Presentation, Overcoming the Objection and a Few Others. This can involve writing up an invoice and providing any final information to the customer. Welcome to! The success of this stage establishes goodwill for the manufacturer. The sales rep should focus on the features and benefits of the product or service during this part of the process. After the objections have been removed, the only thing left to do is close the sale. The first of the seven steps in the sales process is prospecting. There are other objections which cannot be anticipated because they are usually related to the procedures of a particular business. Direct denial method (also called the “head-on or contradiction” method), under which the salesman should never contradict the buyers’ observation. Because it is an indication the prospect is paying attention to the presentation and may even have an interest in the product if the resistance can be effectively addressed. The approach is the first personal interaction a salesperson has with a prospective customer in the selling process. A comprehensive sales process encompasses all major customer interactions from prospecting to selling … Gaining Background Information – The salesperson will use questioning skills to learn about the prospect and the prospect’s company and industry. to begin the conversation and establish a relationship with the customer. This information is used in selecting an approach and in creating a sales presentation. it sets the … Such an understanding of the prospective customers before approaching them puts the salesmen in a much stronger position to deal with the prospective customers. Salespeople can attempt to gather this information through several sources including- corporate research reports, information on the prospect’s website, conversations with non-competitive salespeople who have dealt with the prospect, website forums where industry information is discussed, and by asking questions when setting up sales meetings. Prospecting - the first step in the personal selling process The process of looking for and checking leads is called prospecting or determining which firms or individuals could become customers. The first step of the personal selling process is called ‘prospecting’. The pre-approach is the second step in the personal selling process. method (also known as “yes but method or ‘sidestepping the question method), is most widely used method. The first step in the sales process is the fact that the sales person has to know every single details about the product he is trying to sale to consumer. 1.Discuss your personal selling experience in the job-search context, with a focus on two steps that … Additionally, having more information about a prospect allows the salesperson to be more confident in his/her presentation and, consequently, come across as more knowledgeable when meeting with the prospect. The third step in the personal selling process, gaining a prospect's attention, stimulating interest, and making the transition into presentation Presentation The fourth step in the personal selling process, … Beyond Step 1, this process lines up nicely with the steps you should (or will) follow in seeking a job. At this stage of the selling process the salesperson will spend a considerable amount of time presenting the product. There are certain objections which can be anticipated and their answers formulated before the sales interview takes place. Benefit Close – Here the salesperson restates the benefits of the product in order to elicit a positive response from the prospect. Identifying the Prospective Buyer (Prospecting and Qualifying): The first stage of personal selling process involves identifying potential customers. And that’ what, this first step towards a winning personal selling … If a prospect has been qualified or if qualifying cannot take place until additional information is obtained (e.g., when first talking to the prospect), a salesperson’s next task is to prepare for an eventual sales call. This stage involves a virtual preparation of a database. This is most critical step because the prospect’s first impression of the salesman may be a lasting impression that has long- run consequences. It begins before you make contact with a prospect and often continues long after the sale is finalized. The salesman cannot call on any buyer at random for different types of goods. Sales leads can come from many sources including: i. ii. For certain sales positions, locating leads may not be a major task undertaken by the sales force as these activities are handled by others in company. They admit to each other that they both are right, but there is the other side of the problem to consider also. If the customer is happy, the sales rep can also try to obtain additional referrals from the customer. Profile Fitting – Uses market research tools, such as – company profiles, to locate leads based on customers that fit a particular profile likely to be a match for the company’s products. After a sale is closed, it should be properly followed. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. For example, offering free software for signing up for a demonstration of another product. Demonstration may also be given about the product so that the prospect gets more involved. D. have the salesperson … If there were any issues with the product, the sales rep can work with the customer to get them resolved. In fact, for salespeople whose chief role is that of order getter, there is virtually no chance of being successful unless they can consistently generate sales leads. For instance, salespeople may receive a list of sales leads based on inquiries through the company’s website. It is effective only when the salesman is skilled in applying this technique. The close of the sale depends upon the conditions, personality for the parties and the nature of the goods. Often it is important that, upon first greeting the prospect, the salesperson spend a short period of time in a friendly conversation to help establish a rapport with the potential buyer. v. May Not Meet Requirements to Purchase – Prospects may not meet the requirements for purchasing the product (e.g., lack other products needed for seller’s product to work properly). There are two main approaches to arranging contact: A challenging way to contact a prospect is to attempt to conduct a sales meeting through a straight cold call. Salesperson handles such objections skillfully by clarifying their objections and convinces the customer to make purchase. The selling activities undertaken by professional salespeople includes the following steps: Selling begins by locating potential customers. Presenting the Product – The salesperson will stimulate a prospect’s interest by discussing a product’s features and benefits in a way that is tailored to the needs of the customer. The first stage of personal selling process involves identifying potential customers. Personal Selling Process Steps. After presentation and demonstration, when customers are asked to place order, they are reluctant to buy and raise objection. Promotions – The method uses free gifts to encourage prospect to provide contact information or attend a sales meeting. For anyone involved in sales such rejection can be very difficult to overcome, especially if it occurs on a consistent basis. For this purpose, the salesmen should overcome all the objections. iv. For a creative and persuasive salesman, the process of selling really starts when the prospect raises objections. Share Your PPT File. During this stage, the sales representative looks at any information that he may have about the customer. By resistance we are referring to a concern a prospect has regarding the product (or company) and how it will work for their situation. After handling objections and convincing customers to buy the product, the salesperson requests the customer to place order. Share Your Word File Marketers search for prospects in directories, websites and contact through mail and telephone. Compensation method, which merely acknowledges the validity of an objection, but points out some advantage that is supposed to compensate for the objection, such as lower price, or special care of the product. This stage also enables the salesmen to secure information about the customer satisfaction levels and helps them to approach the customers again. The approach is the next step in the process and it is also one of the most important. This can involve demonstrating the product or service and showing the customer why they need it. Market Monitoring – Through this approach leads are obtained by monitoring media outlets, such as – news articles, internet forums and corporate press releases. The entire process is a wasted effort if sale does not take place. he might ask the potential customer questions about financial terms, desired colours, or sizes, delivery arrangements, or the quantity to be purchased. In some cases, the sales representative will have to overcome objections by the customer. They admit to each other that they both are right, but there is the other side of the problem to consider also. This is to … Thus, the close is the most important part of the selling process since all the efforts and presentation comes down to this moment. Marketers tap different sources to identify the prospective customers. ii. After developing the prospect list, a salesman evaluates each prospect to determine whether the prospect is able, willing, and authorized to buy the product. Why? v. Data Mining – This technique uses sophisticated software to evaluate information (e.g., in a corporate database) previously gathered by a company in hope of locating prospects. Immediately after closing the sale, the salesperson should take some follow up measures. This step consists in finding and analysing information regarding prospects specific product needs, current brands being used; feelings about other available brands and personal characteristics. Personal selling or salesmanship itself is a process. During this stage of the process, the sales representative makes a presentation. Not all sales leads hold the potential for becoming sales prospects. You would be concerned with a sales process if you play the following roles in a business, non-profit, or government organization: Salesperson: You are responsible for selling a product, a service, or an idea to another human-being, in a series of live-action selling … iii. Question 38 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 Points The first step in the personal selling process is: Previous Next. A) prospecting and qualifying B) sales preapproach C) sales presentation D) unearthing objections E) demonstrating advantages. Access Prospect’s Needs – Taking what is learned from the prospect’s response to questions, the salesperson can determine the prospect’s needs. While the word “presenting” may imply the seller is taking center stage and does most of the talking by discussing the product’s features and benefits, in actuality successful sellers find effective presentations to be more of a give-and-take conversation. The salesmen would like to visit these prospective customers for the purpose of sales. The Boomerang method (also called the translation method), is so called because the object raised by the prospect often comes back at him as a valid reason for buying the product. Certain products cannot be sold without demonstration. Approach refers to the actual interaction with the prospective customers. The sale must be closed only when the salesman knows that the customer is prepared for it. Buyer’s fears and the salesman’s attitude are two important obstacles of closing the sale. There are many reasons for this including: i. Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media/Getty Images. He should properly greet the buyer and give a good start to the conversation. Any customer will have certain doubts and objections regarding the product. A follow up call from the sales personnel, after the sales process is over ensures customer satisfaction and establishes long term relationship between the seller and customer and improves goodwill. Overcoming the Objections 6. A sales person who seem confused about the product his company is selling … Prospecting refers to collecting the names, addresses and contact details of the prospective customers. Personal selling or salesmanship itself is a process. 1) prospecting and qualifying, 2) pre-approach, 3) approach, 4) presentation and demonstration, 5) NULL Which of the following is the first step in the process of personal selling? The “reason objections” are answered with the word why because why reopens the discussion and the possibility of making a sale. At this stage the salesperson needs to decide as to how to approach the prospective customer. The first step in the process involves prospecting. This approach can be difficult since the prospect may be irritated by having unannounced salespeople interrupt them and take time out of their busy work schedule to sit for a sales meeting. With some information about the prospect in-hand, the salesperson must then move to make initial contact. The entire object of any prospecting must be to find sales leads that can eventually be translated into sales turnover. 1. In most cases, the resistance is expressed verbally (e.g., “I don’t see how this can help us.”) but other times the resistance presents itself in a non-verbal fashion (e.g., prospect facial expression shows puzzlement). Customer may raise objection with regard to price, delivery schedule; product or company characteristics, etc. The main goal of the first step in the personal-selling process is to A. identify a firm's key decision makers. Prospecting and Qualifying: The process of prospecting is very crucial in selling any kind of products as this involves the process … iii. With this step in the process, sales representatives look for new customers that they can potentially sell their products to. Question: Question 2 (2 Points) The First Step In Personal Selling Process Is Prospecting Approach Preapproach Presentation. ii. The salesman, while using any of these methods of handing objections, must be sure that he is applying the right method in such particular situation. A potential customer or “prospect” is first identified as sales lead, which simply means the salesperson has obtained information to suggest that someone exhibits key characteristics that lend them to being a prospect. The selling cycle breaks down neatly into six steps. This problem has been solved! This method is useful in meeting excuses that are not strongly backed by facts. Hence identifying the right prospect … With this step in the process, sales representatives look for new customers that they can potentially sell their products to. The personal selling process step according to which sales person dictates how company can solve problem by offering its product is classified as According to consumer promotion techniques, the cash … Educate them in order to figure out if they are valid customers The level and nature of after-sale follow-up will often depend on the product sold. The main advantages of making appointments is that it gives the salesperson additional time to prepare for the meeting and also, in the course of discussing an appointment, the salesperson may have the opportunity to gain more information from the prospect. This step is the climax of the selling process in which the salesman asks the prospect to buy the product or products. For example, if the salesperson learns which competitor currently supplies the prospect then the salesperson can tailor promotional material in a way that compares the seller’s products against products being purchased by the prospect. The profile is often based on the profile of previous customers. iv. Inadequate preparation, poor impression, failure in meeting objections or wrong approach on the part of the salesman may come in his way. This is the stage where the salesmen get an opportunity to make presentations about the product to the prospective customers. The information about the prospective customers relates to their buying habits, their tastes and preferences, their decision making process, behaviour pattern and personality traits. vi. v. The Pass-up method, is one where the salesman smiles and tries to pass over the objection especially when the objection is of trivial nature that it does not deserve a careful or thoughtful answer. A better approach for most salespeople is to contact a prospect to set up an appointment in advance of the sales meeting. At this time, the sales representative prepares for the first contact with the potential customer. Closing the Sale 7. May Not Be Key Decision Maker – Prospects may lack the authority to approve the purchase. The steps of personal selling are also knows as the sales process or cycle. Prospecting refers to locating potential customers. Prospecting for customers is the first step to selling. By maintaining contact after the sale the seller is in a position to become more accepted by the customer who invariably leads to the salesperson learning more about the customer and the customer’s business. There are several stages involved in the process and a salesman has to understand all the stages in the process to make the process more effective. If the sales representative can answer the questions and overcome any objections successfully, the barriers for a successful sale will be removed. Prospecting and qualifying: ‘Prospecting and qualifying’ are the first steps the personal selling process. Yet the most successful salespeople will say that closing the sale is actually fairly easy if the salesperson has worked hard in developing a relationship with the customer. In case of newly introduced product and product that requires demonstration and presentation, personal selling is effective. The process of determining whether a sales lead has the potential to become a prospect is known as – “qualifying” the lead. This phase usually involves some small talk to warm up the prospect and help them open up. The salesman may employ a “trial close” by asking questions that assume the prospect will buy the product, e.g. ii. Each step of the process has sales-related issues, … All prospects identified may not turn out to be actual customers. TERM Summer '16; TAGS Marketing, Monopoly, Sales… 1. Approaching the Consumer 3. After a sale, salespeople should work hard to insure the customer is satisfied with the purchase and determine what other ways the salesperson can help the customer to be even more satisfied with the purchase. The salesperson’s attitude, appearance, way of speaking matters most at this stage. This stage is almost a question and answer session. Everything you need to know about process of personal selling. APPROACH greeting the customer face to face, Why? Selling Process is a complete cycle which starts from identifying the customers to closing the … iii. 1. The salesperson gives a summary of the major points of the presentation and directly asks for the order. ‘Repeat contact’ is another common approach, when making the contact; the salesman mentions a prior meeting. Apart from retail sales, it’s very rare when customers reach out to the salesperson. A salesman should try to close at several points during the presentation, because the prospect may be ready to buy. The activities apply to all forms of selling and can be adapted to most selling situations (including non-product selling such as – selling an idea). This ensures customer satisfaction and repeat purchase. This is the first step of the personal selling process and involves developing a database of potential customers; names are sought from company sales records, trade shows, commercial databases, … Ability, needs, taste and preferences the benefits of the sales process can! Who have been identified in the personal sales process right time, proper installation, after sales ”! Two major activities under prospecting − 1 after the objections have been identified in the process... Of speaking matters most at this stage is overcome can use this step is the stage which! Contacting someone without pre-notification ) including in-person, by telephone or by out! To prepare for it issues as: B, proper installation, after sales service ” be! 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