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What a whirlwind to getting the web page started!!! We decided to do this the first of February and had no idea of everything that has to be done to become an LLC. We forged ahead, made mistakes and then corrected them. We tried to imagine what kind of things people would like and would want.

We still have some things coming and are hoping for even more ideas as they days pass. Some of the things we are able to do and pictures should be posted of them in the next few days is glass etching, oversized baby receiving blankets, weekender bags, and more. If you don’t see something, ask us and we will give it a go.

We do reserve the right not to print anything that is offensive, sexually explicit, curse words, or racist and anything that could be hurtful to others. We enjoy a good joke but draw the line at anything not deemed clean enough for a 2 year old.

We invite you to keep coming back and checking our inventory to see what is new!